Valleta, MALTA. 5-8 July 2018: Sandra presents a paper at the Dance Studies Association conference at the University of Malta.

Sandra presented a paper at the 2018 Dance Studies Association conference, entitled “Contra: Dance & Conflict,” at the University of Malta in Valleta, Malta from July 5-8, 2018.


Sandra’s paper is titled “Conflicting Contemporaneities in (European) Dance.”
The question of what constitutes “contemporary dance” in Europe has been central to my work as a (German) choreographer (of color) trained primarily in classical Indian dance. Contemporary dance is often described as heterogeneous, hybrid and international. However, upon closer inspection, the (Foucauldian) dispositif of contemporary (European) dance is firmly situated in Eurocentric aesthetic and cultural trajectories. This presentation asks: What is the relationship between ethnicized difference, ethnicized bodies and ethnicized dance forms? How are they situated within and/or in conflict with the dispositif of contemporary (European) dance? What might a postmigrant approach to contemporary European dance look like?