Smells of Coexistence (since 2021)

The ongoing project SMELLS OF COEXISTENCE emerges from an engagement with smell and performance that began in 2018 (building on the project SMELLS OF RACISM) as well as multiple combinations of music and dance collaborations between Arko, Kanishka and Sandra, some of them going as far back as 20 years. Looking at SMELLS OF COEXISTENCE from the point of view of migration and refugeehood as central catalysts, Smells of Loss, Smells of Rebuilding, Smells of Resistance and Smells of Coexistence are shared olfactorily, addressed visually, in personal dialogue, through movement and music in an immersive installation and a culminating music/dance concert. Please visit the dedicated Smells of Coexistence page for details on the different performances, workshops and installations.