TQW RESEARCH AFFILIATION: The Artist and the Hungry Dancer

Online Lecture by Joyraj Bhattacharjee

In this online talk, Joyraj Bhattacharjee will discuss the potential of developing movement practices from the perspective of a politically integrated art practitioner based in Howrah, India. Grounded in his neighbourhood shaped by the everyday realities of a jute mill and iron workers, and two major slums, he reflects on a movement practice that is the opposite of the spectacular classical, anti-classical, and instead emerges from the repetitive tiredness of working bodies.

Joyraj Bhattacharjee

is a politically integrated art practitioner. He gets many offers to act in various Bengali films but seldom accepts, rejecting them most of the time. When a director gets a scanty flow of money but a superb idea, Joyraj is an obvious choice for them. On stage these days, he does more propaganda and less art.

Thu, 27.04.2023, 18.00h In English
